Monday, October 10, 2011

How To Plan A Migraine

Planning a migraine is a lot like planning wedding. Albeit without setting a date, eating cake, inviting any guests, getting flowers, booking a reception hall and doing the "Hokie Pokey". 

You want to make sure you are ready when your migraine presents itself by having a plan.But, ...

Even the best laid plans of mice and men can often go astray.

Always plan ahead. If you are planning a wedding, you know the date and it will not catch you by surprise. Though your next migraine day will not be the happiest day of your life. You probably know how many migraines you suffer through each month or maybe you, like me, measure how many you have a week. With this knowledge you have the means to have a migraine plan. Planning your options and being ready for each attack can help overcome the severity. And give some normalcy to your life again.

Have a plan for several contingencies. It is unusual for a wedding day to come off without a hitch. It is wise to relax and plan for different possibilities. You have to realize that your migraine is not going to fit into tiny little pigeon holes. It's not going to play fair. You will eventually get one at the very worst time possible. So, be proactive and try to plan events in the gaps. Have a contingency plan in case your original plan falls through.

You know that in addition to having the migraine when you wake up, you are eventually, if not already, having them at work, when the weather changes, when you eat certain foods, due to bright lights and strong odors. You may have other times that a migraine may keep you from participating, and cause you to lead an abbreviated life. Be ready to not be ready.

What to include in your plan. The newlyweds always have a plan for the wedding. Dresses, shoes, bouquet, menu, and even have the suitcases packed for the getaway. You should always keep a bag packed. This should include some of your comfort items; Dark glasses and/or sleep mask, water bottle, a firm but comfortable pillow, ear plugs. You may also include an mp3 player to provide soft music to help you relax. There may be other items that you believe to be indispensable as well. Feel free to leave a comment about items you think I missed. Also, you should have a special place at home to go relax. Scope out work, the shopping center, and other places that are migraine rich environments. And, you should talk to your doctor about having a protocol for trips to the emergency room. Having your doctor prepare a plan that the doctors in the ED can follow, will cut your time in the hospital and get you the pain meds that you need more quickly.


1 comment :

  1. I have a migraine pretty much every day so its more of a guarentee than anything. you are so right, being prepared for them, given they can have different intensities and symptoms is vital. I never leave the house without really dark sunglasses, and I have lighter sunglasses in my purse for when it just starts to get dark and I have pink tinted glasses for at work. I also carry a pharmacy in my purse. Last time I went on a short two day work trip I realized how much insane planning it takes to take into account all the possibilties when away from the controlled, comfortable enviroment of the home. I'm thinking of developing a phobia of leaving the house. And don't that saying go 'the best laid plans of mice and men often go with rye'? :) awry, rye, same difference.


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