Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweating The Small Stuff

Eight (film start) cropped2
There’s a ton of stuff you don’t do when you could, and so getting things done may cause you stress.

Small stuff. The stuff that accumulates during the week, can stress you out to the point of flipping out. You can embark on a frenzy of activity, to get things done. Vacuuming, getting to the dry-cleaners, dusting, and laundry all must be done before you repeat the cycle over and over again.

A lot of stuff makes your sphincters (look this up, we have many) shudder and your pulse quickens and your  brow moistens when you think about it for too long.

It is too easy to burst into activity only to bust in a matter of 10 to 20 minutes.
These bursts of activity may actually be the answer to your problems, they may just be what you need to become the person you want to be. All you have to do is
initiate the eight minute rule. I am of the opinion that most of the things that need doing around the house can be done in under ten minutes. That’s a really short period of time. If you have your snooze button set to ten minute intervals, you’ll appreciate just how little time that is. But, It’s enough time to do a lot of stuff.

Pick your tasks one at a time, and apply the eight-minute rule. Make sure you don't over do it at first by trying to string too many things into your day. This can thwart your progress and make you weary. Just try a couple of things that you feel you can do around the illness that makes you week. Try these and see if you can come up with others to add to the list:

Taking out the trash – 2 minutes
Loading the dishwasher – 4 minutes
Vacuuming one room – 7 minutes
Dusting the surfaces in one room – 7 minutes
Ironing two shirts – 8 minutes
Going around your bedroom, picking up every stray sock and t-shirt and chucking all in the laundry bin – 5 minutes
Paying some utility bills – 6 minutes
Cleaning the tub - 5 minutes
Cleaning a window - 4 minutes

How many other items can you add to this list? Remember, they must take 8 minutes or less.

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