Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I dedicate the following poem to all the people of Iran, and China, and all the other places in the world where the masses are left unheard or unheeded. As the world shows our dissatisfaction for arrant governments. We pray for the poor and the persecuted.

Faces dance
In cheering walls.
Heaving chants
At those they maul.

A rushing torrent
Casting stones.
Anxieties spent
In angry tones.

Speaking out
For what they feel.
A fighting bout
Between wrong and real.

Politics prevent the boast,
Of everything at peace.
Unrest exists on every coast,
Charter's short on this world's lease.

We need to stop and look around,
To notice what we see.
React calmly, break new ground,
Hear the masses and their plea.

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