Monday, September 19, 2011

Easing The Burden of Migraine

An invisible illness is a beast of burden. You carry it around day and night, day after day. But, many of the people that see you around, don't know that there is a huge weight upon your shoulders. I know your pain, as I deal with migraine on a daily basis. I have learned over the 'many' years that there are things we can do to ease the onset of migraine while I try to live my life. Here are but a few things you each can try to ease the burden of migraine;

  • Drink plenty of water. I've read that it is possible to drink too much water, but don't let that scare you from drinking water at all. It is very hard to drink too much, and it is so very important to keep hydrated.
  • Keep an emergency kit with you at all times. Include some or all of the following items; 
    • A bottle of water
    • Dark glasses, especially if you don't usually wear them. Polarized lenses are important to keep out bright sunshine or bad lighting.
    • Nausea medicine if you usually vomit with the pain.
    • Any meds that you would normally take at the onset of migraine.
    • Any other items that you deem a necessity during your illness attack.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Not too much and not too little. Broken sleep habits make the onset of an attack much more likely.
  • Eat the right diet at the right time for you. Eating breakfast and having meals regularly, are good for you. Some foods may be a migraine trigger. You can test foods for triggers by embarking on an elimination diet.
  • Exercise! Even if it is only a few minutes at a time. Take a few minutes every day to stretch, maybe do some yoga. It may be difficult at first, but you may be able to work up to 30 minutes a day. Exercise will make you stronger, feel better, and make you more immune to pain. 

I hope that migraine or another invisible illness does not abbreviate your life. My list is not exhaustive. Do you have other ideas to lessen an interruption in your life?


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